Monday, October 19, 2009

PS3 Review: Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Theives is the sequel to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, a game that defined the PS3. Uncharted 2 had many expectations to live up to and Naughty Dog, the creator came through making the game even more amazing then the first.

Like it's prequel, Uncharted 2 is a fast paced adventure full of challenging puzzles, high-octane gunfights and interesting locations. The game-play is excellent with a singleplayer campaign that makes putting your controller down very difficult and multiplayer games modes that give you variety away from the campaign. The stunning visuals that rival most of todays video games, along with the fantastic storyline make the game so much more belivable.

The Good:
The reason Uncharted 2 is such a great game is that unlike the first game, the singleplayer campaign travels through many different and exotic locations; whereas Drake's Fortune is only based on one island. Along with the great locations, Uncharted 2 has easy to learn controls and the puzzles are hard enough to make you think, without making you throw your contoller through the t.v. The gun battles are much more diverse then the fights in Drake's Fortune where you would hide behide cover and pick off your enemies. Now you can climb to higher ground for an advantage or sneak around, dispatching your enemies with stealth. These factors along with some of the best graphics in the business make for a game you'll spend hours playing.

The Bad:
Lke the first game, Uncharted 2 is in 3rd person unlike most action games that play in 1st person. This isn't all bad, but if your new to 3rd person it can take some time to get used to. At times the game also gets a little bit repeatitive, but usually by the time you notice you are changing location and that helps keep you on your toes.

I give this game a 9/10 All in all this game is exciting and fun and will give hours of intersting and challenging gaming.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Planet that Ran Out of Sugar

The people of Kermac were not worried at first when they heard that the transports carrying supplies to their off-world colony would no longer be bringing sugar. Earth could no longer produce enough sugar for all the colonies scattered through the solar system while supporting its own citizens need of sugar. Even though earth was sending out some of their sugar, Kermac was one of the smallest colonies and had no chance of receiving any. When the Kermacians heard this grim news they were not worried. They believed the could ration the remaining supply of sugar and when the finally ran out the could do without. They were so very wrong...

A week after the sugar had run-out bands of looters began attacking government buildings in search of sugar. the government retaliated by posting a curfew enforced by the small army and police forces; looters started to be executed. The scientists of Kermac frantically searched for a substitute to the much needed sugar but after three months with no results it was looking hopeless. Much of Kermac was in ruin; rebels had taken over the army and the entire planet was at war. At eight months anyone who could buy their way off Kermac was gone, while the rest of the population was left to fend for themselves. At a year the colony couldn't support a population  and when  the nearest planet went out of contact earth began to worry. Kermac had stopped contact with the other planets almost six months before but that didn't explain the sudden loss of contact with Plutin 6. Earth sent a team to investigate. The team was gone for 5 months and earth had given up. One day a space craft came into Earth's orbit and was identified a the investigation team's ship; the problem was that only one life form was present on the ship. Earth being so paranoid  shot it out of the sky thinking nothing of it. The ship was full of high power explosives and was to close to Earth. It took out much of Earth's defense system and suddenly Earth's orbit was filled with pirate ships from Kermac. Earth had chosen it's fate when it stop sending sugar; the Kermacians were going to get what they deserved...