Thursday, November 5, 2009

Journal #1: "Wizard's First Rule"

Wizard's First Rule is a book full of many passages that give insight and make connections to real life but I believe the one I chose is very strong and connects to my life. "People rarely believe the truth when they see it and, less so when they don't want to." This quote is so powerful and makes you think about how people's minds work. It made me realize that people tell lies so much that often the truth is lost. Even if there is truth most of the time people try to ignore it or hide from it because it scares them or its not what they want it to be, so they change it. In history the people that changed the truth to their liking ruined things for the people of today. We will never know half the things that actually happened because how will we ever know the the information we have recovered or that was passed on from generation to generation, is true. When I read this quote it made me stop and think how the truth is powerful but rarely seen and how words that are spoken in truth can bring down empires. This is why the truth is changed to peoples liking, they think that unless lies are told other people will be hurt or bad things will happen to them when actually life would be so much more simple if nobody lied. When I thought of this it made me think who was the first person to lie? Is lying a human impulse or did someone invent it. Truth is and always will be a human impulse; people take things literally most of the time. They want the truth, but often they want it to benefit them so they turn it into a lie. I think this is probably how lies were started. There must have been a time when lies weren't told. Everyone told the truth because they didn't know how not to; but someone decided that maybe if they told someone something that didn't happen it would help person lying and the lie was spawned. Nowadays because of how easily lies are told, just like the quote says, people rarely believe the truth. Honesty is so hard to come by sometimes and if you can find it at home, the government is lying to you or its the media, sometimes it's even Searcy. ( Had to be said :P) 

To conclude, I think the truth is a something that should be sought out and not hidden behind lies, just because the truth isn't what is people want heard. Without the truth there would be no real structure just a pile lies that would come crashing down at the first mention of truth. Life in a world void of lies would be so much easier, for me and I'm sure for many other people.

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